GMaxima 0.32

The semester has finished and I've had time to work on GMaxima a bit. There 
has been quite a bit added to the project. First off, I removed the text entry 
box in favor of entering text straight into the text window. This allowed me 
to do parenthesis matching. Next, I added input dialogs for new functions, 
matrices, 2D plots, and 3D plots. Finally, I made it 'official' and prepended 
the GNU preamble thingy to the source files and setup a sourceforge site.

You can check out screenshots at:

You can download this release from:

To compile GMaxima 0.32 you need at least GTK 2.0 and GNet 2.0

Enjoy! Email me if you have any questions, bug reports, or feature requests.

Have a good day.

Wes Connell