GMaxima 0.32

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> Can it run on windows (=95% of audience?)

Interesting.  Windows might have 95% of the market, but what about
maxima?  Are 95% of maxima users really using Windows?  I would think
not, but I have no numbers.

    Richard> I looked at the screen shots, but that doesn't really
    Richard> go beyond demo ware. Fun as it may be for programmers
    Richard> looking for math display hacks, it seems to me that Maxima
    Richard> does NOT really need yet another almost equivalent front end
    Richard> with its own quirks.  A superbly engineered better-in-all-ways
    Richard> robust, portable, extensible, bug-free, efficient front-end
    Richard> available on all platforms with low overhead.. sure.  Maybe
    Richard> this is GMaxima? If so, say so.

I saw a screenshot of maxima being displayed in a McCLIM window.  It
looked quite good, with the formula nicely formatted like TeX might.

I'm also sure it's not ready for anything yet, but it opens up the
possibility of being able to have nice output and using the mouse to
select various pieces of the output for input to command line.  You
want just the exponent of some complicated expression? Just use the
mouse to select just that and copy and paste it.

McCLIM is portable but currently requires X and that the underlying
Lisp be able to use CLX, I think.  It's also not quite ready for
general use, and is very large.  Perhaps not the best thing for
maxima, but it shows potential.
