Valery Pipin <> writes:
> I did not try cvs texmacs. The cvs maxima does not work with the current
> texmacs. I think some changes should be added to texmacs.lisp to make it in
> correspondence with the new input/output lines structures of cvs maxima
I'm wondering if the changes might be necessary in maxima_filter,
which is a binary file. (Or rather, in maxima_filter.c.) I can't
say for sure, though.
Meanwhile, as an unpleasant temporary fix (what are other people
doing?), I've added exec maxima -u $1 -l $2 -p "$TEXMACS_MAXIMA_PATH/texmacs-maxima-" \
| maxima_filter;;
to tm_maxima, and I have texmacs-maxima- the same as
texmacs-maxima- except with the line
(setq $inchar '$c)
near the beginning.