TeXmacs-Maxima interface

Andrej Grozin:
> Hello *,
> Recent changes in cvs maxima made both the old interface (included with
> TeXmacs) and the new one (which I sent to the mailing list a while ago)
> unusable.
> Please test the included interface:
> tm_maxima                   goes to /usr/libexec/TeXmacs/bin/
> texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp   goes to /usr/share/TeXmacs/plugins/maxima/lisp/
> If it works OK, we'll incorporate in into TeXmacs. When Maxima-5.9.1 will
> be released, only a single line in tm_maxima will change.
> Andrey Grozin

Hi Andrej!

I've tried new tm_maxima/texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp with TeXmacs 1.0.3-R2
and 4 maxima flavors gcl, clisp, cmucl and sbcl.  So far I found just
two issues.  One very small - texmacs-maxima-5.9.1.lisp triggers
style warnings on sbcl.  Not a big deal though.

Second problem more serious - it seems that TeXmacs treats %i# and %o#
(and probably %t#) in special way.  When entered in new maxima command
line under TeXmacs these symbols remains as it is but not replaced by
the value of corresponding input or output expression.

And finally, could you take a look at the TeXmacs bug #6860 which
I filled quite a while ago?  The point is that TeXmacs marks first
item provided by maxima --list-avail as default which is entirely wrong.
I suggest list all items explicitly and maybe add "default" menu item
for plain maxima command without lisp selector -l flag. This will be
truly default lisp as Maxima thinks about it.  The only problem
might be with such "default" menu item that it is not clear
which texmacs-maxima-<version>.lisp to use with it.  Maybe this
item may be dropped altogether.  I've attached the patch for
tm_maxima and init-maxima.scm I use for ALT Linux TeXmacs build.
Although it is not clean patch I could promote for inclusion
in TeXmacs (it works fine only for ALT distro where I have just
one maxima version) but it illustrates my idea.

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
