On Sunday 06 June 2004 08:34 am, Andrey G. Grozin wrote:
| Hello *,
| On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Valery Pipin wrote:
| > I met one problem with it.
| > The tensor demo "ten_alg.dem", which runs well on console, breaks within
| > texmacs with lisp error at (%i91). Note to display the tensors with dummy
| > indices inside texmacs you shoud change the difinition of dummyx from '%
| > to some literal notation, say dummyx:n.
| Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Maxima tensor packages. After a
| quick glance, I think that somebody (who understands things) should
| rewrite the function show (or more likely ishow) in itensor.lisp in a
| texmacs-friendly manner: if *alt-display2d* is set to 'texmacs, it should
| generate proper LaTeX for displaying tensors, and use tex-stripdollar to
| prepend \ before % in dummy indices. I think this is not difficult for
| somebody familiar with itensor.
I think let % to be default for dummy indices. This is not a problem at all.
We only should add some comments to documentation about working with dummy
indices inside texmacs.
| What about lisp error while running ten_alg.dem, I have no clue. What
| error, exactly? Have you tried to locate the lisp function in which it
| happens?
I repeat the test "ten_alg.dem" inside texmacs and for maxima-5.9.0
I see no problem and runtimes errors there. So, my conclusion is that there's
nothing wrong with itensor itself.