maxima does not differentiate anymore

> The last version of clisp that reliably built maxima and passed all 
> tests was 2.29.

Yes, fink tells me that clisp-maxima is 2.29.2.
And the clisp version number is 2.32.3.

> You might want to try to build clisp from source and run "make check".

There are no problems (as far as I can tell):

Real time: 64.245186 sec.
Run time: 61.27 sec.
Space: 149577680 Bytes
GC: 107, GC time: 9.06 sec.
8769 ;
(echo *.erg | grep '*' >/dev/null) || (echo "Test failed:" ; ls -l 
*erg; echo "To see which tests failed, type" ; echo "    cat 
"`pwd`"/*.erg" ; exit 1)
echo "Test passed."
Test passed.

> You may also want to build maxima from source and have it run all of 
> its tests as well.

I built 5.9.0 from source; the errors are related to unevaluated diffs 
and improper arguments.

Note that integrate, ratdiff seem to work

> Sorry not to be of immediate help.

fink-maxima works fine.

Thank you for your patience, Greg.

> Known bug.  Try CVS maxima or a recent snapshot.

I will try that this weekend, thanks for the advice.

Marc Charpentier