Jim Amundson wrote:
> this problem has been asked and answered many, many times before on
> this mailing list, the
> sci.math.symbolic newsgroup, etc.
Ah, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I have discovered Maxima only
recently, saw the newsgroup.
And posted my question without further analysis. My apologies.
> I regret that is taking so long to produce a polished release that
> works with clisps > 2.29. In the
> meantime, please download a snapshot release from the maxima.sf.net
> site.
As I said: my fink-maxima works fine.
> I have a question about what you saw.
(snip ... )
> I am completely confused by the above output. Where did that bit of
> shell script come from?
As asked by Mr Wright, I ran a "make check" in the src folder of my
*clisp-2.33.2* download.
(By the way, I reran make check" and got nearly the same answer. I
gave only the conclusion of the test, naturally - supposing nobody was
interested in the numerous lines of output preceding the final,
positive conclusion.)
The *Maxima* "make check" output looks different:
------------------------------------------------------- Maxima ::
Making check in tests
echo "Running test suite with clisp..."; \
/bin/sh ../maxima-local --lisp=clisp --batch-lisp=tests.lisp >
tests-clisp.log < /dev/null 2>&1; \
./summarize-log tests-clisp.log
Running test suite with clisp...
*** Summary results for tests recorded in
*** log file tests-clisp.log:
Unknown error in log file
Expected failures (known bugs in this version of Maxima):
rtest15.mac: (4)
Real time: 0.110165 sec.
Run time: 0.11 sec.
*** end of summary for tests-clisp.log
And the file tests-clisp.log gives the following hint:
/* ********************** Problem 24. *************** */
%Input is
P (5)
Attempt to differentiate with respect to a number:
#0: P[2](x=5)
-- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
Real time: 0.110165 sec.
Run time: 0.11 sec.
Space: 564200 Bytes
------------------------------------------------------- Maxima :: end--
A diff problem.
I ran the other problem sets by hand :
I got the diff problems and some "Improper argument to ..." messages
(eg, to %th)
> I've taken several steps to avoid the problem you are seeing in future
> versions of maxima.
As I have come to like the nature of Maxima, I very much appreciate the
effort you put into the development of Maxima.
The main difference I see upon starting a Maxima session is the
apperance of the following lines:
;; Loading file /usr/local/share/maxima/5.9.0/share/maxima-init.lisp ...
;; Loaded file /usr/local/share/maxima/5.9.0/share/maxima-init.lisp
They do not show up in fink-maxima.
Thanks again to all.
Marc Charpentier