Subject: xmaxima issues on windows, but probably generic
From: Andrej Vodopivec
Date: Wed, 09 Jun 2004 09:13:15 +0200
Na 1086742378, 2004-06-09 ob 02:52, je Billinghurst, David (CALCRTS)
> I have been working on packaging a windows version the next maxima release.
> I have package that works (modulo problems below) after a one line post-install
> edit on NT4/XP but xmaxima will cannot start maxima on win95.
> There are a couple of generic xmaxima problems.
> 1) The results box in the lower window wasn't being replaced by computed results.
> This is fallout from the prompt change, and seems to be fixed by the patch below.
> The patch adapted to work with C/D and %i/%o if desired. I will commit this in a
> couple of days unless there are objections.
> 2) Plotting doesn't work. No ideas yet.
Plotting from xmaxima works for me. Maybe you don't have gnuplot in your
path. Sometimes the executable is wgnupl32.exe, but maxima expects
Andrej Vodopivec <>