>>>>> "Goran" == Christiansson, G A V <g.a.v.christiansson@wbmt.tudelft.nl> writes:
Goran> Dear Group,
Goran> I cannot manage to plot a function in a logarithmic diagram.
Goran> When I try commands like these it does not work:
Goran> (C111) Plot2d( abs(1/(1+x*%I)), [x,0,10], LOG );
Goran> LOG is not a plot option. Must be [symbol,..data]
Goran> -- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
I don't think that's possible to do right now. The workaround is to
take the log yourself, but I think that's quite gross because the axis
labels are not the desired values.
However, it ought to be possible if you're using gnuplot to have it do
the log plotting for you. This should be straightforward, and I'll
look into it, after the release goes out.