Re: [Maxima-bugs] [ maxima-Bugs-988701 ] incorrect matrix inversion

>>>>> "Camm" == Camm Maguire <> writes:

    Camm> Greetings!  I think the problem is here (opers.lisp):
    Camm> (defmfun mul2* (x y)
    Camm>   (cond
    Camm>     #+cl ((and (numberp x) (numberp y)) (f* x y))
    Camm>     ((=1 x) (simplifya y nil))
    Camm> 	((=1 y) (simplifya x nil))
    Camm> 	(t (simplifya `((mtimes) ,x ,y) nil))))

    Camm> You probably mean (f* x y) -> (* x y) or numberp -> fixnump.  This
    Camm> code compiles to the following obviously incorrect C:

Nice work.  I think the best solution would be (* x y).  Why it wants
f* is strange.  I wish I knew the difference between the intent of mul
and mul*.  Something about simplified args or results?
