how to add new stuff to Maxima

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> Not ever having changed the limit program, I will accept
    Richard> this, but I find it sad.  I would hope that the limit
    Richard> programs would use material already on the list and not
    Richard> have to be changed themselves.  In particular, limit
    Richard> should use differentiation, simplification, and (esp. in
    Richard> the variant tlimit) taylor series.  If there is some
    Richard> other knowledge of a function that is not encoded in
    Richard> these programs and is specific to the limit activity, it
    Richard> would be nice to understand what that might be!

I may not be remembering everything correctly.  Of course, part of the
problem was figuring out what routine was actually doing the limit

Also, I might have had modify the code because the elliptic functions
take 2 args, unlike most of the other functions, and the arg you
usually want the limit of is the second one.  In jacobi_sn(m, x), you
usually want the limit as x approaches some value, not m.

I'll try to look through the code again and reverse engineer the
changes I did and see what kind of info I can get.
