revisions, are they on a list?

>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman <> writes:

    Richard> For some programs I've written in common lisp and want
    Richard> to use with maxima, it would really help if we had an

    Richard> Introduction into Maxima code of the common lisp
    Richard> constructions for
    Richard> (a) rational numbers
    Richard>    and
    Richard> (b) complex numbers

    Richard> My guess is that the only way to do this is for
    Richard> someone to make a good effort to replace ((rat) 1 2)
    Richard> etc everywhere with common lisp  1/2 ... created by (/ 1 2)

    Richard> and similar changes to a+b*%i for numerical a,b.

Having a common lisp representation would certainly make some
functions much easier to read and write.

How do you expect to handle complex numbers?  Common Lisp doesn't
allow you to have mixed types for the real and imaginary component.
It certainly won't handle complex numbers with bigfloat parts.
