length of genvar & speed

It is not clear why you would get such growth unless you
have hundreds of distinct symbols. Is that the case?  If you
look at your CRE form in lisp, does it have a huge list of
variables as well as a huge list of gensyms?

 If a particular expression E
has only a few live symbols, you can re-represent it by
(setf z ($ratdisrep E))
(let ((varlist nil)(genvars nil))
   ($ratdisrep z))

or something similar.  I just tried it in xmaxima and there
is some cleverness going on that regenerates genvars or
binds it locally, so maybe it won't work quite so simply.
It may also be so clever as to make your situation

Barton Willis wrote:

>Most of the functions in my DE solver use CRE expressions. The
>length of genvar grows every time it solves a DE; if it solves 100
>DEs, the length of genvar might be 400 or more. Worse, the solver
>slows to a crawl. Is the increasing slowness related to the long
>genvar list? What am I doing wrong? Why does the genvar grow
>so long? I know this isn’t much to go on.
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