hiding auxiliary definitions


unless I have read the documentation wrong, there is nothing like
packages or namespaces etc. in Maxima.  So what do you do to keep
auxiliary definitions from getting into the way of the user?  I can
see these possibilities:

- use "unlikely" names, via some naming convention such as a prefix,
  e.g., my_prefix_auxiliary(x):=...: A user who calls a function
  starting with my_prefix_... presumably knows what he does; however,
  these long identifiers are quite inconvenient when writing the
  actual code.

- make the auxiliaries part of the real function,
  e.g. foo(x):=block([auxil: lambda(...)], ...): This makes it
  difficult to test the auxiliary by itself, it does not work with
  macros, it's unmodular, and you get into trouble when one auxiliary
  is used by several definitions.

- wrap everything with a macro that checks whether a symbol already
  exists, and replaces it with a prefixed version: I don't know
  whether this would work.

- ignore the possibility of name conflicts.

Anything I am missing?  And what is customary?

