maxima submitted to Fedora Extras

>>>>> "Rex" == Rex Dieter <> wrote:

Rex> FYI,

Rex> I've submitted maxima for inclusion into Fedora Extras:

Rex> maxima-5.9.0:

Rex> maxima-

Rex> Feedback is welcome.

I have recently made some refinements to a .src.rpm file
originally written by James Amundson <> for
maxima- (exactly your version) for RedHat 9.  Perhaps you
could incorporate also my improvements in a subsequent release.

I have looked at your .src.rpm file and these refinements appears to
be missing.  Here is a description:

- the file maxima.el looks into "/usr/local/info" for .info files,
while it should look into /usr/share/info, and it also looks for the
wrong .info file for the index, .info-15 rather than .info-16.


> %prep
> [...]
> %if %{build_emacs}
> perl -i -pe 's:/usr/local/info:/usr/share/info:' \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/maxima.el
> perl -i -pe \
>   's/(defcustom\s+maxima-info-index-file\s+)(\S+)/$1\"\"/' \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/maxima.el
> %endif

- If I understand correctly, your -emacs rpm duplicates emacs
  files that are also included in the main maxima package
  in /usr/share/maxima.  Also, it deletes one .el file, to remove
  a conflict with the gcl rpm, introducting a dependence on gcl
  to use the maxima.el mode.  Furthermore, no package is installed
  for xemacs.

  In my .rpm I delete the emacs and latex related files from
  /usr/share/maxima to avoid duplication, and properly package them
  both for emacs and for xemacs in the -emacs rpm file.  Furthermore,
  the conflict and the dependence from gcl are removed, by packaging
  the emacs files in a proper subdirectory.
Here is the .spec fragment:

> %if %{build_emacs}
> %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/maxima/%{version}/emacs	
> # --- emaxima LaTeX style
> # install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/emaxima
> install -D -m644 \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/emaxima.sty \
>     %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/emaxima/emaxima.sty
> #
> # emaxima for emacs
> #
> install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/maxima
> install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d
> install -D -m644 \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/*.el \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/*.lisp \
>     %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/maxima
> # --- emacs pkg init file
> install -D -m644 \
>   interfaces/emacs/misc/*.el \
>     %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/maxima
> install -D -m644 %SOURCE6 \
>   %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.d/maxima.el
> #
> # emaxima for xemacs
> #
> %define xemacspkgdir %{_datadir}/xemacs/site-packages
> install -d %{buildroot}%{xemacspkgdir}/lisp/maxima
> install -d %{buildroot}%{xemacspkgdir}/lisp/site-start.d
> install -D -m644 \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/*.el \
>   interfaces/emacs/emaxima/*.lisp \
>     %{buildroot}%{xemacspkgdir}/lisp/maxima
> # --- xemacs pkg init file
> install -D -m644 \
>   interfaces/emacs/misc/*.el \
>     %{buildroot}%{xemacspkgdir}/lisp/maxima
> install -D -m644 %SOURCE6 \
>   %{buildroot}%{xemacspkgdir}/lisp/site-start.d/maxima.el
> %endif

- in your package, there is no texhash call for the installed tex
file (which is left in /usr/share/maxima). My -emacs rpm includes:

> %if %build_emacs
> %post -n emacs-maxima
> TEXHASH=/usr/bin/texhash
> [ -x "$TEXHASH" ] || "$TEXHASH" 2>/dev/null ||:
> %postun -n emacs-maxima
> TEXHASH=/usr/bin/texhash
> [ -x "$TEXHASH" ] || "$TEXHASH" 2>/dev/null ||:
> %endif

Your rpm does not produce the maxima book, whose sources are included
in the maxima tar file. Some work has to be done in order to produce
a PDF file from the provided sources:
- the breqn latex package has to be included
- two .tex files in the distribution must be replaced

This is how I build maxima.pdf and intromax.pdf:

> %build
> [...]
> %if %{build_book}
> %__tar jxf %SOURCE7 -C doc/maximabook
> %endif
> pushd doc
>   %if %{build_book}
>   pushd maximabook
>     cp ../../share/physics/dimension.tex ../../share/physics/dimension.tex-
>     cp %SOURCE8 ../../share/physics/dimension.tex
>     cp %SOURCE9 ../../share/calculus/pdiff.tex
>     TEXINPUTS="${TEXINPUTS}${PWD}/../..:"; export TEXINPUTS; make pdf-final
>     rm -f ../../share/calculus/pdiff.tex
>     mv -f ../../share/physics/dimension.tex- ../../share/physics/dimension.tex
>   popd
>   %endif
>   pushd intromax
>     pdflatex intromax.ltx
>   popd
> popd  

I attach the whole spec file:

Attached file: maxima.spec