Re: maxima fails to simplify one of two simmetric solutions

>>>>> "Alberto" == Alberto LUSIANI <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using maxima and am surprised to see that it
> simplifies in a different way two solutions that are of the same form.
> (%i4) display2d:false;
> (%o4) FALSE
> (%i5) eqEcm:2*SQRT((-Ep)*Em);
> (%o5) 2*SQRT(-Em*Ep)
> (%i6) eqBoost:(Ep+Em)/My;
> (%o6) (Ep+Em)/My
> (%i7) SOLVE([(eqEcm = My)^2,eqBoost = BETA],[Ep,Em]);
> (%o7) [[Ep = -(SQRT(BETA^2+1)*My-BETA*My)/2,Em = (SQRT(BETA^2+1)+BETA)*My/2],
>        [Ep = (SQRT(BETA^2+1)*My+BETA*My)/2,Em = -(SQRT(BETA^2+1)-BETA)*My/2]]
> As you can see, maxima could factorize My on the Ep expressions
> exactly like it does for the Em expressions, but it does
> not.  Elaborating on the solution expressions, maxima correctly

Sorry for the immeaidte followup.  I found that invoking explicitly
factor() does the desired simplification.

(%i8) Ep:factor(Ep);
(%o8) -(SQRT(BETA^2+1)-BETA)*My/2

The question remains though, why maxima does not perform the same
(useful) factorization on all solutions that are of the same form.
