Re: new sbcl breaks make

James Amundson wrote:

 >> On Tue, 2004-08-10 at 16:28, Andreas Eder wrote:
 >>>> Hi,
 >>>> I recently upgraded my installation of sbcl to SBCL 0.8.13 and
 >>>> experienced a problem in building the maxima system under sbcl because
 >>>> of the newly introduced package locks.
 >>>> maxima tries to redefine things in the common-lisp package and this is
 >>>> (according to the hyperspec) undefined behaviour. Under the new sbcl
 >>>> it raises a condition since it violates its lock on the common-lisp
 >>>> package.
 >>>> I tried to fix it and came up with the following patches to
 >>>> defsystem.lisp and maxima-package.lisp which work for me:
 >> Thank you very much. You have taken the right approach.  I will include
 >> your patches in the release.
 >> Unfortunately, your patch didn't apply cleanly. Would you mind sending a
 >> context diff ("diff -c")?

Here's a unified diff I used.

-- Rex

Attached file: maxima-