Maxima on Windows Me (9x)

--- Mike Beedle <> wrote:

> At some point you've got to stop supporting this old OSs ;-)
> 95 is almost 10 years old, 98 is at least 6 years old,
> and they are fairly weak platforms to begin with.

Agreed, but Windows ME is too new to abandon.  98 is also common even
now.  My preference would be to not worry about Windows at all, but the
current reality is that's what people use.

> My vote would be to drop support for them,

I don't think we should drop support, but perhaps we should consider an
alternative to continuing to use Xmaxima.  </me's having flashbacks of
5.9.0 Xmaxima debugging>  There has been some preliminary work done on
a wxWidget based GUI, which is cross platform. I propose that after
5.9.1 we chuck the TCL/TK interface and investigate the possibility of
adding enough features to the wxWidget interface to make it a
reasonable replacement.  The Xmaxima interface has proven repeatedly
problematic, particularly on Windows, and is not all that elaborate as
far as what it provides in a user environment sense.  I know we aren't
in a position to do major new GUI work, but wxWidgets are used for
major cross platform applications and perhaps implimenting a interum
solution would prove simpler than continuing to fight Xmaxima.

Alternatively, if the sockets communication is the issue, how do other
applications manage this on Windows?  Or do they use something other
than sockets?


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