RE: GnuPlot and Maxima Problem under Windows ME

Hi Thomas.

Thanks for your enquiry and also your interest in Maxima.  I've CC'ed the
Maxima mailing list so that further discussion takes place under the view of
the people likely to benefit.

| Dear Mr. Thomas
| I´ve been trying to make the Gnuplot-Feature in Maxima to work
| under Windows
| ME. By searching through the web I found your description at
| So I followed your steps with these versions:
| Maxima 5.9.0
| Gnuplot 4.0.0
| ActiveState TCL
| but when I type the following command into maxima:
| plot3d(2^(x^2-y^2),[x,-1,1],[y,-2,2],[plot_format,gnuplot]);
| a Dos-windows appears and vanishes after less than a second.
| Maxima outputs
| "0" ... and that´s all.
| I have no ideas left what to try now ...
| so I was wondering if you could help me and perhaps others having the same
| problem

Unfortunately the recipe I provided was tested on Windows NT and XP and it
may be that on ME there are problems.  I don't see an immediate solution to
this problem.

I think that the best thing for you to do now is to get the latest beta
release of Maxima ( which comes with the latest GNUPlot set up
and ready to run.  This may not have been tested on Windows ME so your
feedback at this point will be useful.

  The package is available here:

| Thank you in advance

And you also.


Mike Thomas.