Broken describe in GCL Maxima

James Amundson ÐÉÛÅÔ:
> On Thu, 2004-08-19 at 14:06, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:
>>GCL's built-in system::info function (unlike cl-info::info)
>>has no second optional info-paths parameter.  So the only way
>>to pass info-paths information to si::info is to set
>>I attached the patch which fixes the problem with describe
>>on GCL.  Works to me both as si::info and cl-info::info.
>>James, could you take a look - is it sounds good to you?
> Dear Vadim,
> Thank you for tracking down this bug. It is completely my fault. After
> reading the GCL info function's header:
> (defun info (x &optional (dirs *default-info-files*)  &aux wanted
> 	       *current-info-data* file position-pattern)
> I used the power of wishful thinking to determine that passing the path
> list as the second parameter would do what I wanted. I was obviously
> incorrect.
> I have implemented a fix and committed it to cvs. It is almost the same
> as yours, but I don't shadow the info-paths variable. Instead, I set it
> when it is needed.


> This was the last show-stopper bug that needed to be fixed before the
> release candidate.

I worry not!   Windows issue still remains to be solved.
As I reported earlier beta2 dosn't work on Windows Me.

> Thanks again,
> Jim

      Vadim V. Zhytnikov
