Hi, I'm new to the list. I recently started using Maxima as an open
source replacement for Mathematica. I am especially pleased with its
Texmacs interface.
Right now I am trying to work with symbolic matrices and vectors. So
far it seems best to use the list structure for vectors and to create
matrices with "matrix(list1,...)" or "genmatrix". I was glad to find
transpose, mattrace, and the "." operator, but many other desired
functions are missing, e.g. outerproduct and crossproduct. I have
started to implement these functions myself, which is a good way for me
to learn maxima programming. But I'm wondering if someone else has
already done this and made his functions available? The "vect" package
doesn't seem what I want, and I'm concerned about: "Warning: The VECT
package declares "." to be a commutative operator."