[Q] How to get a float in this case?

Good Day,

If I use   EV(INTEGRATE(COTH(1-6*Z), Z, 0, 1), NUMER);
the result is a float,

           0.5235987755983 %I - 0.69089467615141

However, if a bit different is used

           int:INTEGRATE(COTH(1-6*Z), Z, 0, 1)$
           EV(int, NUMER);

the result turns out to be

           0.16666666666667 (3.141592653589793 %I +
           0.1614393615712)- 0.71780123641328

What should I use instead of  EV(int, NUMER);
to approximate int to 0.5235987755983 %I - 0.69089467615141 ?

Thank you in advance for any comments!

Best wishes,

Vladimir Bondarenko
