Re[2]: [Maxima] [Q] How to get a float in this case?
Subject: Re[2]: [Maxima] [Q] How to get a float in this case?
From: James Amundson
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 17:27:09 -0500
On Fri, 2004-08-27 at 12:19, Vladimir Bondarenko wrote:
> Hello RJF and JA,
> Thanks much for your instant help!
Make sure you read the reply from Stavros Macrakis. His advice (to use
rectform) was much better than mine.
> RJF> romberg, or bromberg for bigfloats.
> Yes, I use romberg. By the way, it has such a behavior
> ROMBERG(1/z^2, z, 1, INF);
> Error: $INF is not of type (OR RATIONAL LISP:FLOAT).
> while I expected 1.0.
> Can I use romberg successfully over semi-infinite intervals?
Actually, I would advise you to try to use the new quadpack routines.
Try "describe(quad);" Unfortunately, they lack high-level documentation.
You will probably have to read the documentation for all of them in
order to have a reasonable guess as to which is right for you.
(%i21) quad_qagi(1/x^2,x,1,inf);
(%o21) [1.0, 1.11022302462516e-14, 15, 0]
You will even have to read the documentation to understand the output!
> Secondly, in an attempt to load quanc8, load("qq");
> or load("qq.lisp"); fails with
> Could not find `qq' using paths in FILE_SEARCH_MAXIMA,FILE_SEARCH_LISP
> I am new in Maxima, couldn't I hear what's wrong?
Hmm. I'm not sure. I can't reproduce your problem.
(%i1) load("qq");
; Warning: This function is undefined:
Which platform are you using? The output of build_info() would be