I want to have all the constants, and constant functions (including
sine,cosine) shown in a numeric form (approximate value I know) rather
than the symbolic form. I have tried combinations of ev, rectform, and
expand, all without luck.
I want to show a numeric form of:
solve( taylor( cos(x)/x-c, x, pi/2, 1), x);
Entered as is it produces:
2 PI PI 2
PI SIN(--) + 4 PI COS(--) - c PI
2 2
(D110) [x = ----------------------------------]
2 PI SIN(--) + 4 COS(--)
2 2
And I want the form:
x = a - b * C
Or even more simplified:
x = a - b * C;
Where in all of this C is a variable.
edA-qa mort-ora-y
Idea Architect