Hello Bob,
If numericalio didn't come with the version of Maxima
you have, you can get it from CVS at SourceForge --
the top-level of CVS can be found at
and the numericalio package is
There are some test scripts & test data files there,
as well as the sole Lisp source file, numericalio.lisp.
Once you download it,
load ("numericalio.lisp");
M: read_matrix ("my_data.txt");
should yield a matrix M which contains your data.
I guess I don't quite understand what you need to do with
your data. If you'd like to email me, I'll try to help.
If you're doing mostly number-crunching, you might be
better off using a package designed specifically for the
task. You could use R, http://www.r-project.org/, which
is a statistical package I recommend very highly.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier
(maintainer of numericalio)
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