I need to use the REVERT function but I can't get it working:
(C67) REVERT( taylor(x/cos(x),x,0,5), x );
Division by 0
#0: REVERT(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,t=x)(revert.mac line 4)
#1: REVERT(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,)
#2: REVERT2(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,var=x,)
-- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
(C68) REVERT2( taylor(x/cos(x),x,0,5), x, 10 );
Array V has dimensions [10], but was called with [k]
#0: REVERT2(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,var=x,n=10)(revert.mac line 15)
#1: REVERT(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,)
#2: REVERT2(exp=x+x3/2+5*x5/24,var=x,)
-- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
What am I doing wrong?
edA-qa mort-ora-y
Idea Architect