Lisp code from maxima calculation


I want to call Maxima, as a surrogate processor (interpreter), 
for symbolic manipulation from Lisp, but then use these 
results within a Lisp program.

Yes, I could call the Maxima functions directly but I think having 
the full interpreter available will be a *great advantage*. 
(Btw, is there an available translator from Maxima language 
to Lisp and vice versa?)

Contrast this to C/C++/COBOL/Java calling SQL; C calling 
Clips; or Java calling Jess, etc.

The rationale for this architecture is that in my view of 
the world, the Lisp program does many things -- one of 
them which is calling Maxima and using its results.

So, ok, my questions are:

	how do I fake that Maxima is initialized?
	once this is done, how do I interface with from Lisp?
	lastly, how do I process its results in Lisp?

Surely, someone else has already attempted this before,

** Btw, my project is about finding symmetries in Lagrangians 
for various field theories, and the computation of its 
generating functionals, in terms of both algebraic 
expressions and their numeric values.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


- Mike