Trying your code I get the following error (which at first glance has
nothing to do with what I'm trying to do, so I don't know if it is your
code that does it, or a Maxima problem in general):
(C569) constWalk( sqrt(a-j2) );
Wrong number of arguments to "^"
#0: cw(expr=SQRT(-j2+(E_0[3]-P[3])2+(E_0[2]-P[2])2+(E_0[1]-P[1])2))
-- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);)
Albert Reiner wrote:
> [edA-qa mort-ora-y <>, Thu, 23 Sep 2004 14:28:51 +0200]:
>>I want to achieve the following:
>> Given: (x+y+z)*c
>> Simplify Where: a=x+y
>> Result: (a+z)*c
> subst(a-x, y, (x+y+z)*c) ==> c*(z+a)
> Of course this only works when you can solve the "Where" equation for
> one of the parameters.
>>Ultimately I want to be able to group a lot of terms together in an
>>equation (as they are constants which can be precalculated). That is,
>>a larger example:
>> q:(a+b/c+i)/(a+b)-(d-e-f)*i;
>> constreplace(q,a,b,c,d,e,f)
>> c1 = ...
>> c2 = ...
>> q = c1 + c2 * i
> One way is to walk down the expression, determine for each
> subexpression whether it is constant, and generate something of this
> kind. Something to start with:
> constWalk(expr,[consts]) :=
> block([found: [], nfound: 0],
> [second(cw(expr)), found]) ;
> cw(expr) :=
> if atom(expr)
> then
> if member(expr, consts)
> then [true, expr]
> else [false, expr]
> else
> block([foo : maplist(cw, args(expr))],
> if apply("and", maplist(first, foo))
> then block([sym : concat(const, nfound: nfound + 1)],
> found: cons([sym, expr], found),
> consts: cons(sym, consts),
> [ true, sym ])
> else [ false, apply(inpart(expr,0), maplist(second, foo)) ]) ;
> constWalk((a+b/c+i)/(a+b)-(d-e-f)*i,a,b,c,d,e,f) ==>
> [const2*(i+const1+a)+const5*i,
> [[const5,-f-e+d],[const4,-e],[const3,-f],[const2,b+a],[const1,b/c]]]
> Of course one should use commutativity and associativity of addition
> to turn (i+const1+a) into (i + const6), where const6 = const1+a:
> Basically you have to recognize those functions and split their
> arguments into groups that are constant and those that are not.
> Albert.
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edA-qa mort-ora-y
Idea Architect