ANNOUNCE: Maxima 5.9.1 released

On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 13:20, Camm Maguire wrote:
> Trying to update the Debian package.  Two questions:

Very good.

> 1) Building the maximabook sources now appears to require
>    breqn/flexisym.sty files.  I can retrieve these from the
>    ams, but there is no license information, which is important to
>    Debian.  Can anyone help?

Ugh. This was discussed at length in the thread "maxima submitted to
Fedora Extras". I'm afraid the answer is no, nobody can help.

Rex Dieter sent an inquiry to the ams (see the message entitled "Re:
[Maxima] breqn licensing"), but I don't know if he ever received a

> 2) Just wondering if the old output of the testsuite, showing the
>    results, etc., is still available somewhere.

run_testsuite() takes two optional arguments:
(%i2) ? run_testsuite
Info from file /usr/share/info/
 - Function: run_testsuite ()
     Run the maxima test suite. Tests producing the desired answer are
     considered "passes," as are tests that do not produce the desired
     answer, but are marked as known bugs.

     run_testsuite() takes two optional arguments, show_known_bugs and
     show_all. Both arguments are booleans. By default, only tests that
     do not pass are individually displayed.

     run_testsuite(true) displays tests that are marked as known bugs,
     as well as failures.

     run_testsuite(true,true) displays all tests.

run_testsuite(true,true) is what you want.
