Re: When to open the repository

>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:

    James> On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 09:16, Raymond Toy wrote:
    >> Is the repository open now? 

    James> Your timing is excellent. I was just about to bring up this point on the
    James> list. We only have one major obstacle to opening up the repository to
    James> the developers: downcasing the source. Since downcasing doesn't mix well
    James> with other changes, we have to do it all at once. I can either do it
    James> now, then re-open the repository in a few days, or we can open up the
    James> repository now, then have a very brief close in the next few weeks.

    James> If there are developers with changes ready to commit, we should allow
    James> them to do so before the downcasing. On the other hand, the code will be
    James> easier to deal with once it looks a little more uniform.

    James> What say the developers?

Up to you.  The changes I have are minor, and are for code that's
already downcased.  I hope, when you do the downcasing and indenting,
that you'll use CL-style if, not emacs if.  (Emacs if-style has the
"then" clause indented one level more than the "else" clause, because
the "else" clause has a implicit progn.)
