nonuniform treatment of EXP() and SIN() in FLOAT()

Hi to all,

When applied to compositions like EXP(EXP(2)), or EXP(SIN(2)),
the float() function seems unable to get a complete result.
If we consider SIN(SIN(2)), or SIN(EXP(2)) instead, the result
is complete. The bfloat() works as expected. The output is below.

[alex@lan108 maxima]$ maxima

Maxima 5.9.1
Using Lisp Kyoto Common Lisp GCL 2.6.5 (aka GCL)
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.

(%i2) float(EXP(EXP(2)));

                                                2                                                                            %E
(%o2)                        2.718281828459045
(%i3) float(SIN(SIN(2)));
(%o3)                          0.78907234357289
(%i4) float(SIN(EXP(2)));
(%o4)                          0.89385495491281
(%i5) float(EXP(SIN(2)));
(%o5)                       2.718281828459045