Expanding and differentiating subscripts

Which one of the answers is what you want? The notion
of subscripting an expression (as opposed to a variable)
has at least three different semantic interpretations
that come to my mind.

(a+b+c)[3] ==>  c

(a+b+c)[3] ==> a[3]+b[3]+c[3]

(a+b+c)[3] ==> error

(a+b+c)[3] ==>  no change

I think you could get Maxima to do any of these, maybe with Tellsimp,
and the program someone posted here for traversing an expression,
in case you want choice 2.


edA-qa mort-ora-y wrote:

> Is there any simple way to get Maxima to handle subscripts correctly for 
> the purposes of differentiation.
> Currently,
> (C250) diff( (c*d)[1],d );
> (D250)                                 0
> But,
> (C251) diff( (c[1]*d),d );
> (D251)                                c
>                                        1
> Is there any function that would be able to expand the subscripts 
> automatically to the appropriate variables?  Or better, to get diff to 
> understand subscripts.