On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 10:34, Barton Willis wrote:
> One semi-tedious thing is that some tests need an 'errcatch.' Without the
> errcatch, run_testsuite hangs. For example, it seems that I need errcatch
> on the test
> /* bug 990924 */
> errcatch(is(equal((%E^(%I*z)-%E^-(%I*z)), 0)), prederror: false);
> [false]$
There are some problems with the run_testsuite code. I don't think you
should have to add the errcatch at this level. There are also some
conditions that cause the test suite to fail deceptively quietly. I
don't know that I have time to look into it myself right now, however. I
would encourage any other interested developer to do so.