Case-sensitivity goals, policy and implementation

I agree with Victor that it should be possible to define symbols that behave
the built in way.  I also agree with James policy of either upper or lower case.

Dan Stanger

"Viktor T. Toth" wrote:

> > I would like to propose a modified policy. Maxima would be totally case
> > sensitive, *however* all built-in functions would be addressable as
> > either all lower case or all upper case. E.g., the cosine function could
> > be written as "cos" or "COS". "Cos", "coS", "CoS", etc. would all be
> > distinct functions.
> Bravo! For what it's worth, I wholeheartedly support this idea, Jim. This is
> exactly the behavior that I prefer.
> I only have one suggestion: It should be possible for end users to define
> symbols that behave the "built-in" way, even when they define symbols in the
> MAXIMA language, not in LISP.
> Viktor
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