Case-sensitivity goals, policy and implementation

C Y writes:

>--- "Viktor T. Toth" <> wrote:
>>>I would like to propose a modified policy. Maxima would be totally
>>>case sensitive, *however* all built-in functions would be 
>>>addressable as either all lower case or all upper case. E.g., the 
>>>cosine function could be written as "cos" or "COS". "Cos", "coS", 
>>>"CoS", etc. would all be distinct functions.
>>Bravo! For what it's worth, I wholeheartedly support this idea, Jim.
>>This is exactly the behavior that I prefer.
>>I only have one suggestion: It should be possible for end users to
>>define symbols that behave the "built-in" way, even when they define 
>>symbols in the MAXIMA language, not in LISP.
>Agreed.  This also points out a larger issue (or maybe non-issue) I
>would appreciate clarification on - how well are the "translations" or
>"mappings" between the MAXIMA language and lisp defined/known?  The
>issue I have immediately in mind (although post 5.9.2) is if (for
>example) we start to use the lisp package mechanism to do things like
>define a MAXIMA-USER environment and more cleanly divide up various
>parts of the system.  For starters, it would seem to make sense to have
>share packages use their own package environment, but in the case of a
>share package written in the MAXIMA language it is not clear how to
>declare a package which will a) do the expected thing at the lisp level
>and b) work at the Maxima level.  Would we have to introduce the
>concept of packages into the Maxima language and make it a mapping to
>the underlying Lisp packages?
I think this is exactly what we need - add packages to Maxima language.

>  Or is that how things work already at
>some level, and we just don't make much use of it?  I know there are
>one or two parts of maxima that make use of the package mechanism (IIRC
>slatec does?) and I was curious where such matters stood.
>For that matter, is there even a definition of the Maxima "language"
>beyond the program itself?  That might be a good thing to have someday
>if we don't have it anywhere.
--     Vadim V. Zhytnikov
