defmfun (was Re: [Maxima] Case-sensitivity goals, policy and implementation)

On Tue, 2004-10-12 at 20:24, Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> defmfun may not be the right place to hang this functionality, and we
> might as well get rid of Maclisp narg syntax -- BUT it might be a good
> idea to have a standard way of defining Maxima-level functions defined
> in Lisp.  For example,
>   (defmaxfun foo (...)
>         "maxima-level documentation"
>          "lisp-level documentation"
>       <<body>> )
> would define $foo as a Lisp function, do whatever Alias'ing is useful,
> register foo as a Maxima function wherever that is useful, etc.

It sounds like a good idea if/when we get to a point where we have
something we need defmaxfun to do.
