Case-sensitivity goals, policy and implementation

I don't understand the proposal.  Why do we need to futz with the
internal representation of Lisp symbols at all?  All we care about is
the correspondence of *Maxima* symbols and Lisp symbols.

And the reading of Maxima symbols is 100% under our control.   Let
Lisp keep its default behavior, which I guess is that "foo" reads as
'FOO, and map the Maxima symbol "foo" to "FOO", and the Maxima symbol
"FOO" to "foo".

One way of doing that is using the Alias mechanism as I suggested
before, another is to change the read/print code.  Changing the code
is the cleaner way to do it, but requires some careful code reading in
suprv1, commac, nparse, and displa (I think those are the only places
that need to be checked).  Alias is yucky, because you are
special-casing built-in symbols, but might be more expedient in the
short run.
