Maxima - new GUI

Am 14.10.04 18:45 schrieb Abdulhaq Lynch:

> Suddenly everyone wants a Maxima interface :-)

well, ;-))

Now, seriously, I posted such requests also earlier, and nearly
only because of the mixing of input/output-sequence and difficulty
to edit even only typos if more than, say 20 characters had to
be sent, I stopped using maxima only except for real "emergency"

> Gottfried, if you look back at some earlier messages in this thread you will 
> see that this question has been answered very recently.

Do you mean a way to access the input-mechanism (by dll-convention or
similar)? I'll try to find! With that Aribas-Interface it was possible
to fiddle with the clipboard : filling the clipboard with my text and
then send a wm_cliboard-message to the aribas-window, which I started
as an independent sub-process at the very beginning of a session.
Unfortunately even this most primitive method of sending of wm_messages
does not work with maxima; I tried, but don't know, why.

> I don't understand German and I don't use Windows so I can't comment on the 
> rest.
It's just a common notepad-like rtf-control, where you can text-edit. That's
all. The function -"library" ;-) is just a list-control containing the
function-name and a simple stringlist for each function.
> PS Delphi is great, isn't it.
Yepp! (but don't look into borland's sources ;-) )


erm: I do have also Kylix; with that such an interface could be
made for linux, too.