xmaxima in the lastest CVS is broken

David Ronis writes:

> Something broke xmaxima in the last few CVS's.  When I run, it now says:
> xmaxima
> Error in startup script: invalid command name "mcload"
>    while executing
> "mcload [file join $maxima_priv(maxima_verpkgdatadir) msgs]"
>    (procedure "setMaxDir" line 112)
>    invoked from within
> "setMaxDir"
>    (procedure "MAXTkmaxima:install" line 9)
>    invoked from within
> "MAXTkmaxima:install tkmaxima"
>    ("uplevel" body line 1)
>    invoked from within
> "uplevel [concat $object(__class__):$method tkmaxima $args]"
>    (procedure "tkmaxima" line 3)
>    invoked from within
> "tkmaxima install"
>    (file "/usr/local/bin/xmaxima" line 15080)
> David
What version on tcl is installed on your system?
Does it have msgcat module (msgcat.tcl somewhere in
It seems that you have ether too old tcl (at least 8.2 is required)
or tcl without msgcat (strange, since this is standard module).

     Vadim V. Zhytnikov
