can't open a socket

Gottfried Helms wrote:
> Am 15.10.04 01:45 schrieb C Y:
>>Are you using a firewall?  I've had trouble in the past with firewalls
>>messing up the Xmaxima-maxima connection.
>>--- delevaux eric <> wrote:
>>>I've installed 5.9.1 on windows 98 but it didn' worked : an error
>>>open a socket" occured.
>>>Does anyone know why?
> Had the same problem, after succesfull first start with
> installation.
> Then installed wxmaxima which could not come up
> after xmaxima 5.9.1  Tried two times.
> Ctrl-alt-deleted all funny ;-) entries in task-manager,
> then xmaxima could start without error.
> Maybe in my case the problem was caused by wxmaxima ....

After many tests, it seems that it happens when you install wxmaxima 
after maxima.5.9.1 on a windows 98 station.
On the same station : i install maxima 5.9.1 without any problems and it 
did work.
On 2 stations under windows xp: I installed maxima 5.9.1 then wxmaxima 
and it did work perfectly
On linux : I installed maxima 5.9.1 then wxmaxima and it did work 
perfectly too
I tried 5 differents pc with indows 98 (i work in a school, i don't have 
so many pc at home ;)) always the same.
If anyone has an idea ? Perhaps some "dll" or so that are in xp and not 
in 98 wich are needed by wxmaxima ? I don't know much about prog so... I 
let the pros !
Thanks andrej for this work. I hope we can be able to use it on the 98 

> Gottfried Helms
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