Maxima wiki

Hello all,

It's time for the semiannual Maxima wiki promotion.

You may have heard there is a wiki (collaborative web
site) at
At present it is set up to allow editing by anyone --
you (yes, you!) can log in with a BumpyWord for a login
name and any password or no password.

The Maxima wiki could be a useful scratchpad. It would
be especially suitable for collecting tips and examples.
Lengthy email attachments might find a home at the wiki.

The most interesting page at the wiki right now is surely

A warning -- sometimes when I try to look at something,
I get a strange "out of memory" error. But when I just
hit the reload button, everything is OK. Strange.

Maxima wiki is hosted at SourceForge. It is powered
by PhpWiki+MySQL.

Have fun, & hope this helps,
Robert Dodier

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