> As Stavros points out, one COULD try to do stuff like this...
> diff ( (if p then f(x) else g(x)) ,x ) ==>
> if p then diff(f(x),x) else diff(g(x),x)
Assuming you "believe in" delta functions, you might actually want to
look at the transitions, something like:
diff( if x<0 then f(x) else g(x) ) ->
if (x<0 then diff(f(x),x) else
if equal(x,0) then delta(0)* ( limit(g(x),x,0,plus) -
limit(f(x),x,0,minus) )
else diff(g(x),x) )
(and let's not quibble about the details).
Not to mention that some functions are even more problematic:
diff( if ratnump(x) then 1 else 0 )
is nowhere differentiable.