>>>>> "Valery" == Valery Pipin <pip@iszf.irk.ru> writes:
Valery> May I ask a question?
Valery> Will the downcasing of the lisp sources lead automaticaly to downcasing of
Valery> the variables and functions defined there? I tried to make itensor's lisp
No. Even when maxima is fully case-sensitive, it will appear to be
so, but in fact, from Lisp's viewpoint, the case is inverted.
However, from the user's view, it will appear as if lower case is
lower case and upper is upper.
Valery> sources to low case. When I loaded itensor I found that maxima still accept
Valery> only variables written in upper case.
Can you give a quick example of this? I'd like to see how this works
with the case-sensitive maxima.