New release of wxmaxima

The screenshots look really impressive, but when I compile on my local
machine something goes wrong with the math display.  It seems to be a
really big sheet and the output doesn't appear.  I'm using wxWidgets
2.4.2 - is there some trick I should be aware of?


--- Andrej Vodopivec <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have released a new version of wxmaxima. I have removed support for
> wxmozilla and the ascii display and implemented a new widget for
> displaying math output. Basic folding and copying of output is
> supported.
> This version also runs on win98, but it still has some problems on
> this
> system. It uses XP themes when run on winXP and it should also have
> better
> support for gtk2 themes on linux.
> The oficial site is still
> and there is a mirror at
> Andrej
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