New release of wxmaxima

--- Andrej Vodopivec <> wrote:

> This is a problem with the gtk2 port of wxWidgets 2.4.2 (the output
> is still there but the control is huge). The gtk1 port works fine but
> slow. If you want to use gtk2, use wxWidgets 2.5.3 - it has much 
> better support for gtk2 and is also very stable. Support for gtk2 in
> wxWidgets 2.4.2 is only experimental.

Yep, 2.5.3 did the trick.  This is a nifty piece of work!  I love the
2d equation display.

I think I asked about this earlier, so sorry if I'm rehashing old
ground, but is it possible in theory for input to be on the "notebook"
input line for each expression rather than the bottom line?  

A couple minor suggestions:
 - when an expression is hidden, rather than just changing the form of
the input/output char could something to the effect if <expression
hidden> be substituted in?  Just to make it a little more obvious there
is something there.

 - I'm guessing the selection of sub-expressions is not implimented
yet? That would be a nice feature, although I know it is a tricky one
to impliment.

  On the whole, I gotta say this is impressive.  Aside from in-sheet
input, the translations, and maybe parenthesis matching I don't see too
many advantages of xmaxima over this.  (Inline plotting with openmath
doesn't count since we're using gnuplot as default now) Maybe the
interactive documentation, but if wxmaxima can handle something
similar, has a good mechanism for multiple languages, and can run on
Win95-XP I'd move we switch to wxmaxima for the 5.9.3 release and avoid
the xmaxima headaches we seem to run into each time.

   Maybe something useful to do would be to look at the Maple and
Mathematica interfaces for more ideas.  Mathematica in my experience
wasn't so hot except for 2D input templates, but that was many versions
ago and I imagine it's improved.  Maple does the same thing as wxmaxima
IIRC and does 1D input, 2D output.

   Thanks much and keep up the good work!


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