--- Andrej Vodopivec <andrej.vodopivec@fmf.uni-lj.si> wrote:
> Na 1099084299, 2004-10-29 ob 23:11, je C Y napisal(a):
> I decided to separate input from output so that I could change the
> widget used for displaying math. This is the third one wxmaxima uses.
> Also it had to be done for wxmozilla. I do not plan to change this
> anymore, so the input line could be removed.
Ah :-). Sounds great!
> > A couple minor suggestions:
> > - when an expression is hidden, rather than just changing the form
> > of the input/output char could something to the effect if
> > <expression hidden> be substituted in? Just to make it a little
> > more obvious there is something there.
> >
> > - I'm guessing the selection of sub-expressions is not implimented
> > yet? That would be a nice feature, although I know it is a tricky
> > one to impliment.
> This two are next on my todo list.
Excellent! Thanks!
> > On the whole, I gotta say this is impressive. Aside from
> > in-sheet input, the translations, and maybe parenthesis matching
> > I don't see too many advantages of xmaxima over this. (Inline
> > plotting with openmath doesn't count since we're using gnuplot as
> > default now) Maybe the interactive documentation, but if wxmaxima
> > can handle something similar, has a good mechanism for multiple
> > languages, and can run on Win95-XP I'd move we switch to wxmaxima
> > for the 5.9.3 release and avoid the xmaxima headaches we seem to
> > run into each time.
> In-sheet input could be implemented.
> Tranlation of wxmaxima can already be done - wxWidgets uses gettext.
Ah, good. IIRC you solved the parenthesis problem by simply always
generating matching pairs when one is requested. I can see that being
a good idea, but how do others feel about it? Do we like this feature
or do we prefer parenthesis matching? (I like this mode for new users,
since it forces them to get it right, but I can see how experienced
users might not like having to go for the arrow character to type an
expression in.) I'm guessing parenthesis matching isn't trivial, so
this one would benefit from some feedback.
> Interactive documentation is harder, since the help browser comes
> from wxWidgets (could be done by extending its html parser, but I
> dont think it's worth it).
Personally I don't either - from what I've seen I like the help
function in wxmaxima. (Searching probably needs some work, but at a
guess I think that's at least as much the fault of the docs as the the
search function.) I was mainly trying to think of any possible reasons
to use xmaxima vs. wxmaxima. I don't know if anyone really likes the
interactive documentation or not - guys?
> wxmaxima has the same problems on win98 as xmaxima, I'm just lucky
> that someone else solved them and all I have to do is implement the
> solution.
Hmm. OK. But wxWidgets functions OK on win95 and win98?
> I prefer Maple: 1d input and 2d output.
I think for the forseeable future that's going to be what we use - the
only exception I am aware of currently is the ability of Lyx to process
2d input. Either one works for me, and wxmaxima is certainly way ahead
of xmaxima as far as display goes.
If I get the chance I might play around a bit and see if I can
impliment a tabbed pallette or some such to organize the buttons and
dialogs, but I suppose that's a matter of taste as much as anything.
Quasi-related question - does the new plotdf command depend on xmaxima,
or just openmath plotting? I haven't had the chance to try it, and I'm
moving tomorrow so I could be out of touch a week or two.
> Thank for your comments
Thanks for responding! Minor points aside, I'm very impressed with
this new version of wxmaxima. If we can combine this interface with
the mathematical bug fixing of 5.9.3, it may really turn some heads.
P.S. - Oh, I did have one more question - since xmaxima isn't good at
this either it isn't a priority, but what are the chances of being able
to print a wxmaxima session at some point in the future?
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