Valery Pipin <> writes:
> I find that emacs gets confused with set of gnuplot options divided by
> semicolon. Say "C-c C-c" at line
> plot3d(x^2*y^2, [x,-5,5], [y,-5,5], [gnuplot_pm3d,true], [gnuplot_preamble,
> "set pm3d at s; unset surf; unset colorbox"])$
> does not work for me. The problem is due to diversified ";".
> Within console everything's ok. Even it is ok when I just copy the line to
> maxima-buffer inside emacs. I use the cvs version of maxima for cmucl-19a.
Oops, maxima.el didn't skip over strings like it should.
This can be fixed with no problem, and is fixed in my local copy of
maxima.el, but my copy has a lot of changes (improvements, I hope).
I haven't committed them because of the feature freeze.
If there are no objections, I would like to commit the entire
maxima.el, fixes and changes, but if that's not a good idea, I'll just
fix the above problem.