strange behavior or bug on ode2


I found that Maxima has trouble solving some very simple ode's, e.g.,

(%i1) ode2('diff(y,t,2)+'diff(y,t)+y-sin(t),y,t);

After a few minutes of churning maxima leaves the following message:

!!! CMUCL has run out of dynamic heap space. You can control heap size
!!! with the -dynamic-space-size commandline option.
*A2 gc_alloc_new_region failed, nbytes=16.
   Generation Boxed Unboxed LB   LUB    Alloc  Waste   Trig    WP  GCs
          0:  1645     0     0     0  6734384  3536  2000000    0   0
          1:  5480     1     0     0 22431040 19136  2000000 5479   0
          2: 22108     1     0     0 90504704 53760  2000000 22107   0
          3: 101833     4     0     0 416906528 217824  2000000 101824
  0  0.0000
          4:     0     0     0     0        0     0  2000000    0   0
          5:     0     0     0     0        0     0  2000000    0   0
          6:     0     0     0     0        0     0        0    0   0
   Total bytes alloc=536576656

I am running Mandrake 10.0 with the 2.6.3 kernel and Maxima 5.9.1
compiled with cmucl 18e.

If the ode is changed slightly or if Maxima is told to solve
the complexified equation, then Maxima responds with the 
solution instantly. eg,

(%i1) ode2('diff(y,t,2)+'diff(y,t)+2*y-sin(t),y,t);

(%i2) realpart(second(ode2('diff(y,t,2)+'diff(y,t)+y-exp(%i*t),y,t)));

Am I doing something to cause this behavior or is this a bug in ode2?
