error loading the pdiff package

Barton Willis wrote:

>I know this doesn't help you, but it works under XP and 5.9.1CVS.
>I doubt it will help, but try load("pdiff") instead of load("pdiff.lisp").
>(%i1) load("pdiff");

Same behaviour.  The command hangs in maxima (command-line-interface). 
In texmacs gives the following error

  Load failed for /usr/share/maxima/5.9.1/src/mactex.lisp

   -- an error. \ Quitting. \ To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);

>(%i2) display2d : false$
>(%i3) diff(f(x,x^2),x);
>(%o3) PDERIVOP(f,1,0)(x,x^2)+2*x*PDERIVOP(f,0,1)(x,x^2)
>What happens if you do
>(%i1) load("mactex");
hangs in command-line maxima. In texmacs produces the following error

Load failed for /usr/share/maxima/5.9.1/src/mactex.lisp

 -- an error. \ Quitting. \ To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);

For each of the tests, the maxima or texmacs has been started fresh.

PS: Please do not cc the emails, to my email address. I am subscribed to 
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