experimental even / odd function simp

Here is a proposed mechanism for deciding when
to apply even / odd function simplification


(1) My code does not use the sign of the 
argument to decide when to use even / odd
function simplification. 

(2) I thank Raymond for finding bug in my 
first proposal.

(3) I changed all the trig simplifying 
functions in trigi (but not the functions
in trigo).  The test suite shows no errors with
my code.  Timing mminusp*, try-even-fun-simp,
and try-odd-fun-simp shows mminusp* is slightly

(4) Examples (these are no different from
the way maxima currently works, I think).

(%i1) sin(x*y) + sin(-x*y);
(%o1)                                         0
(%i2) sin(u+n-k) + sin(k-u-n);
(%o2)                                         0

This one needs to be expanded to crunch to zero
(%i3) sin(u * (n-k)) + sin(u * (k-n));
(%o3)                          SIN((n - K) U) + SIN((K - n) U)
(%i4) expand(%);
(%o4)                                         0

It's possible to change neg so that this simplifies to zero
without expansion. But ...

(defun try-even-fun-simp (f x)
  (let ((nx (neg x))) 
    (and (great nx x) `((,f simp) ,nx))))

(defun try-odd-fun-simp (f x)
  (let ((nx (neg x)))
    (and (great nx x) (neg `((,f simp) ,nx)))))

(defmfun simp-%sin (form y z) 
  (oneargcheck form)
  (setq y (simpcheck (cadr form) z))
  (cond ((floatp y) (sin y))
        ((and $numer (integerp y))
         (sin (float y 2.0d0 )))
        (($bfloatp y) ($bfloat form))
        ((and $%piargs (cond ((zerop1 y) 0) ((linearp y '$%pi) 
(%piargs-sin\Cos y)))))
        ((and $%iargs (multiplep y '$%i)) (mul '$%i (cons-exp '%sinh 
(coeff y '$%i 1))))
        ((and $triginverses (not (atom y))
              (cond ((eq '%asin (setq z (caar y))) (cadr y))
                    ((eq '%acos z) (sqrt1-x^2 (cadr y)))
                    ((eq '%atan z) (div (cadr y) (sqrt1+x^2 (cadr y))))
                    ((eq '%acot z) (div 1 (sqrt1+x^2 (cadr y))))
                    ((eq '%asec z) (div (sqrtx^2-1 (cadr y)) (cadr y)))
                    ((eq '%acsc z) (div 1 (cadr y)))
                    ((eq '$atan2 z) (div (cadr y) (sq-sumsq (cadr y) 
(caddr y)))))))
        ((and $trigexpand (trigexpand '%sin y)))
        ($exponentialize (exponentialize '%sin y))
        ((and $halfangles (halfangle '%sin y)))
        ;((and $trigsign (mminusp* y))
        ; (neg (cons-exp '%sin (neg y))))
        ((and $trigsign (try-odd-fun-simp '%sin y)))
        (t (eqtest (list '(%sin) y) form))))


(%i5) build_info();

Maxima version:
Maxima build date: 10:31 11/12/2004
host type: i686-pc-mingw32
lisp-implementation-type: Kyoto Common Lisp
lisp-implementation-version: GCL 2.6.5